Wednesday 2 March 2016

Double Page Spread - Update

  • I changed the  columns  so that there was three rather than 2. I found this aloud more text to be added, so more information was then added to the interview. Also it made my DPS look more professional and followed the trends of usual DPS pages. 
  • I also made the text smaller as it was too big, For a DPS page.  
  • I aligned the text so it looked like there are lines holding the text in the correct position. Making it look neat and again professional. 
  • I placed a QR code that will send the user to the Realist Website, to the interview page. 
  • I used social media sites to promote Subliminal. i made them seem approachable by placing their accounts under the interview so they could gain more followers and fans. Increasing their fan base. 

  • I also aligned the images and the text so that the page is used to the full with a cube line space from the end of the page to the text. 

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