Friday 26 February 2016

Double page spread draft

This is my first draft, I like the black and white pictures and the use of red in my DPS. I also wanted to add the different forms of social media that the music group Subliminal had as this feature is not on double pages normally. I also put a QR Code to access the Subliminal Website, so its easy for the readers to view the interview. 
I still think that the text could be neater and look more aligned on page 6. Also i don't think that the text looks centred enough. 


  1. leah your double page looks very good and professional.Well done! the whole layout and font size, and style are very impressive.

  2. This is good but I think that the barcodes etc take up too much space on the page. Perhaps if they were at the bottom of the page instead of the photo it would be better.
