Thursday 7 April 2016

DPS Final

  • Due to my page looking too black and white, i changed the images i used. I took 3 separate images and cut out the models and put them together. 
  • I wanted my female model to look more dramatic with the males behind. 
  • I also refrained from over sexualising my female model as i didn't want to give in to the stereotypes of women. 
  • I included a opening to give the readers an insight into what the article will be about.  
  • I really liked the idea of two photos on the DPS, so i found a way to inculcate the second photo into my DPS. 
  • I edited my female models hair also. 

Monday 4 April 2016

DPS - Changes and Updates

The changes made are shown in the purple rectangles. 

  • I don't think that the first change looks good, as the picture looks out of place and a bit random. As the picture is the same as the background picture. Its just smaller, so it looks pointless.  
  • The second set of changes also looks a bit random. Even though i really like the autographs, they look out of place and they don't compliment the layout of the article in my opinion. 
  • Overall i will just keep my DPS simple, by removing the new changes and keeping the layout as it was before. As it's simple, looks neat and professional. 

Thursday 24 March 2016


This was my first change. I blurred out the image and place the text over the image, so it looked like a water mark, however i didn't like the appearance as it looks unstructured and messy creating a non professional DPS.  I found that the social media sites also made my page tacky and is not a traditional theme on DPS in music magazines. 

Due to my first outcome, I decided to remove the social media account logos and make the page really simple. I placed the text on the clothing of my models, so it didn't conflict with the beauty of the photo of the artists.  I still kept the QR code as this was an easier way of getting the consumers to go onto the website and view the official interview recording. 

However I did like the signatures that i had on the photo as shown in my previous posts (as shown bellow):

So I will try and find a way of placing this in my DPS as I think it's a nice touch.

Wednesday 23 March 2016

DPS - Update

Bellow are two new ideas i have come up with, for the DPS.  I am not sure i like either of the designs. 
I am finding it hard to find a good layout and text format for the DPS. As I keep creating my own ideas of how i want my DPS to look rather that looking at the traditional features of DPS's.  

I do like the design bellow, with a blurred background photo. However I think its too dark so the page looks over whelmed. Also the quote text is not readable so causes isn't the best idea.

Monday 21 March 2016

DPS - Change of idea

I liked the idea of the DPS having a poster style picture that the reader could then keep. However my teacher disagreed with me and said no to my creative idea. Due to traditional magazines not having an image on the side.

Changes i will have to make:

  • Change the position of the image. 
  • Change the position  of the text on the page. As the image won't take up the full page. 
  • May need another image to fill the page or i may need to conduct an additional interview to fill up the space. 
  • If i was to take another photo, i may take a wedding photo of Ryan and his wife. To show that they're getting married (a wedding Photo-shoot that most celebs do before their wedding). 

Wednesday 9 March 2016

Changes to the - DPS

  • I added signatures from the artist themselves, for the consumers. This may make the lifecycle of the magazine longer, as the consumer is more likely to keep the magazine for the signatures from the artists. 
  • I made the quote from the article bolder and bigger. So it is bold and visible to be seen. 

Friday 4 March 2016

Updates - DPS

  • I added a quote to draw the readers in to the magazine. However i reckon that the quote needs to be bigger. So it stands out more, compared to the other text. 

Wednesday 2 March 2016

DPS - changes

  • I adjusted the position of where the QR code and social media accounts are. So that they didn't take up much space in the magazine.  I also added another picture, just because i thought it may look better. 
  • I was still unsure of the changes above. So i changed it again, minus the extra photo. As i didn't like the way it looked completely. 

Double Page Spread - Update

  • I changed the  columns  so that there was three rather than 2. I found this aloud more text to be added, so more information was then added to the interview. Also it made my DPS look more professional and followed the trends of usual DPS pages. 
  • I also made the text smaller as it was too big, For a DPS page.  
  • I aligned the text so it looked like there are lines holding the text in the correct position. Making it look neat and again professional. 
  • I placed a QR code that will send the user to the Realist Website, to the interview page. 
  • I used social media sites to promote Subliminal. i made them seem approachable by placing their accounts under the interview so they could gain more followers and fans. Increasing their fan base. 

  • I also aligned the images and the text so that the page is used to the full with a cube line space from the end of the page to the text. 

Friday 26 February 2016

Double page spread draft

This is my first draft, I like the black and white pictures and the use of red in my DPS. I also wanted to add the different forms of social media that the music group Subliminal had as this feature is not on double pages normally. I also put a QR Code to access the Subliminal Website, so its easy for the readers to view the interview. 
I still think that the text could be neater and look more aligned on page 6. Also i don't think that the text looks centred enough. 

Thursday 18 February 2016

Final Contents Page

My Final contents Page:

  • The main change is the fact that i filled the gap that was causing the page to look empty. The gap was filled with the model for page 65. 
  • I made edits to the picture. Making it look brighter and more vibrant with more of a red tinge. 
  • I found Kanye West signature and put it on the models picture to again go with the rest of the contents page. 

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Double page questions

This is my first Question and Answer draft:

New Magazine Contents Page

I still need to expand on some of the topics and also add a few more photos to the contents page.

update on contents Page

  • I added signatures from some of the artist, as i thought it may make the magazine more appealing as its not really found in magazines. Also the signatures make the magazine look more truthful in my opinion. 
  • The red boxes is where i need to add more pictures.

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Update Of Contents Page

I placed the pages on the left side and the music updates on the other as the content of the magazine is more important compared to the Music Update. 

Friday 5 February 2016

Contents Page - 1st Draft

This is my first draft of a contents page, using some elements/ ideas from other magazine contents pages.

I decided to use the music update section in billboard magazine contents page. As i thought it was a nice touch and it also emphasises the fact its a music magazine.

I also liked the use of symbols to assist with the pages, as shown:

Contents Page - Analysis

Monday 1 February 2016

Skype Call - FeedBack

  Skype call - ben magazine eval from Haggerston Media on Vimeo.

Form this call, i added more text filling up the empty space. I also made the top banner bigger so it was visible.
This is my magazine with the updates:

Friday 22 January 2016

New Mag Update

I decided to make the text be different colours to make it stand out more and add a bit more of colour to the magazine. I used the "+" symbol from XXL magazine, as I found this a way of incorporating something from a professional magazine into my own magazine. this made it look more professional. 

Thursday 21 January 2016

New Magazine Cover

I started off using this cover but i found the background look dull and not very intriguing. So using the color from her lips i used it on the text and created a simple color burst on the cover. I then edited the photo by separating the model from the background and then i put an effect on the background to make it stand out. I also added a shadow to the master head so it stood out more. However i still want to make the top banner bigger so the text is a bit clearer. I am also unsure of the the red text use. As its random and i think it makes it look cheap. Especially due to other magazines having the text pretty much the same color.

Tuesday 19 January 2016

Photoshoot 3

Photoshoot 3 was of Julie. She was modelling for the Kayne West new clothing line section on my contents page.

  • I was happy with this photoshoot, however the battery of my camera died preventing us from taking more pictures. 
  • I tried too take unexpected pictures, so the pictures look more natural.