Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Magazine cover edits - 2

This is my final cover for now, as I'm not keen on the image or background colour of pink. I have decided to take some more adventurous pictures for my contents page and double page spread. I am also considering retaking the cover photos as they did not come out as planed. Thus causing my magazine cover not looking professional or very good. 

I do however like the master head as its bold and eye catching. Also the layout of the text makes the magazine look professional as they are aligned, also with the different size writing, it helps highlight key words or important information for the reader. Making it easier to find out key points and also eye catching as the important text is big drawing the audiences attention.   


  1. Its definitely getting bettter leah, and i like the way you have sed the little white lies cover to compare yours to. What about if you brought in the layer of your model and made the edges more fuzzy and broken like in the little white lies cover and made the background colour less harsh with a gradient or another texture ?
