Friday 11 December 2015

Magazine Adjustments and Evidence 1

I decided to change the cover image as the photo was quite dull in colour and i image looked boring. Due to this i decided to change the image to the one bellow. I cut the image and added effects to the photo, i felt that this gave off a pop art looking model. I got most of my inspiration from the covers of 'White Lies'.

I then decided to change the background from black to bright pink. As all the R&B and Hip-Hop covers included lots of bright colours with bold sell lines. I tried to mimic this in my own work, i added white bold text to my work so it looks like this:

Although i haven't yet added the barcode, price, issue number date and QR code. I feel like this magazine stands out more then my previous attempt. 

Also i think even though i haven't followed my initial ideas, my target market will still be enticed in buying this magazine. 

Evidence of my work on the new magazine idea:

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