Thursday 7 January 2016

Cover idea 2

I edited a picture of one of my female models,

Before                                                                                                          After

I then played around with the picture on photoshop came up with this magazine:

I am still working on this cover, however I think it looks more like a fashion magazine compared to an R&B/Hip-Hop magazine. So i have added tattoos to my model to make her more like a rebel and fitting the look of some Hip-Hop/R&B artist. However i still need to work on the text layout. As its boring and not very profesional looking. 

I feel like it looks better then before but i am still unsure of the way the cover is being to look. I don't think it will stand out as much on the self of stores compared to magazine cover 1. As its not very bright, the glasses and costume is very retro, 50's style. Which may confuse my target market as it doesn't match the genre of music. Due to this i will continue to work on both magazine covers then compare them both at the end to see which one my target market prefer, by completing a survey. 

Magazine 1                                                                                                                     Magazine 2 

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